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Шон Ачор - Преимущество счастья. 7 принципов успеха по результатам исследований компаний из списка Fortune

Читать бесплатно Шон Ачор - Преимущество счастья. 7 принципов успеха по результатам исследований компаний из списка Fortune. Жанр: Поиск работы издательство -, год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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10. Muraven M., Baumeister R.F. Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle? // Psychological Bulletin, № 126, 2000, pp.247–259

11. Csikszentmihalyi M. Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement in Everyday Life– New York: Basic Books, 1997, p.65

12. Там же, с. 67

13. Lindstrom M. Buyology– New York: Broadway Business, 2008, p.99

14. Дополнительную информацию о других интереснейших исследованиях, подобных этому, можно найти в книге: Thaler R.H., Sunstein C. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness– New York: Penguin, 2008

15. Barnes B. Lab watches web surfers to see which ads work // New York Times, July 26,2009

16. Leyden J. One in five U.S. firms has sacked workers for e-mail abuse // June 23, 2003, источник:

17. Thompson C. Meet the life hackers // New York Times, October 16, 2005, цитируется исследование Калифорнийского университета в Ирвайне

18. Hafner K. You there, at the computer: Pay attention // New York Times, February 10, 2005

19. Meyers A.W., Stunkard A.J., Coll M. Food accessibility and food choice // Archives of General Psychiatry, № 37, 1980, pp.1133–1135. Более подробное описание этого и вышепроцитированного исследований, а также и многих других им подобных, можно найти в блестящей книге Б.Вэнсинка «Бездумное питание»: Wansink B., Mindless Eating: Why we eat more than we think– New York: Bantam, 2006, pp.78–88.

20. Meiselman H.L., Hedderley D., Staddon S.L., Pierson B.J., Symonds C.R. Effect of effort on meal selection and meal acceptability in a student cafeteria // Appetite, № 23, 1994, pp.43–45

21. Wansink B., Mindless Eating: Why we eat more than we think– New York: Bantam, 2006, p.82

22. Hawkes N. Everyone must be an organ donor unless the opt out, says Chief Medical Officer // July 18, 2007, источник:

23. Vohs K.D. et al. Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: A limited-resource account of decision making, self-regulation, and active initiative // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, № 94(5), 2008, pp.883–898

24. Schwartz B. The Paradox of Choice– New York: Harper Perennial, 2004, p.113

Принцип 7. Социальные инвестиции

1. Shenk J.W. What makes us happy? // The Atlantic Monthly, June 2009

2. Valliant G. Yes, I stand by my words, «Happiness equals love – full stop» // Positive Psychology News Daily, July 16, 2009. Источник:

3. Diener E., Biswas-Diener R. Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth– Maiden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, p.66

4. Diener E., Seligman M.E.P Very happy people // Psychological Science, № 13, 2002, pp.81–84

5. Доскональный разбор нашей врожденной потребности образовывать связи с другими людьми см. в статье: Baumeister R.F., Leary M.R. The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation // Psychological Bulletin, № 117(3), 1995, pp.497–529

6. Особенно ярко и глубоко биологическая роль социального контакта разобрана в следующей работе: Lewis T., Amini F., Lannon R. A General Theory of Love– New York: Vintage, 2001. Эмпирические данные о влиянии недостатка социальных контактов на ухудшение иммунитета см. в: Cohen S., Doyle W.J., Skoner D.P., Rabin B., Gwaltney J. Social ties and susceptibility to the common cold // Journal of the American Medical Association, № 277, 1997, pp.1940–1944

7. Hawkley L.C., Masi C.M., Berry J.D., Cacioppo J.T. Loneliness is a unique predictor of afe-related differences in systolic blood pressure // Psychology and Aging, № 21(1), 2006, pp.152–164

8. Cacioppo J.T. Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection– New York: W.W.Norton and Company, 2008

9. Blackmore E.R. et al. Major depressive episodes and work stress: Results from a national population survey // American Journal of Public Health, № 97(11), 2007, pp.2088–2093

10. Berkman L.F., Leo-Summers L., Horwitz R.I. Emotional support and survival after myocardial infarction. A prospective-population-based study of the elderly // Annals of Internal Medicine, № 117, 1992, pp.1003–1009

11. Spiegel D., Bloom J., Kraemer H., Gottheil E. Effect of psychosocial treatment on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer // The Lancet, № 2, 1989, pp.888–891

12. House J., Landis K., Umberson D. Social relationships and health // Science, № 241, 1988, pp.540–544

13. Lewis T., Amini F., Lannon R. A General Theory of Love– New York: Vintage, 2001, p.206

14. Heaphy E., Dutton J.E. Positive social interactions and the human body at work: Linking organizations and physiology // Academy of Management Review, № 33(1), 2008, pp.137–162; Theorell T., Orth-Gomе́r K., Eneroth P. Slow-reacting immunoglobin in relation to social support and changes in job strain: A preliminary note // Psychosomatic Medicine, № 52, 1990, pp.511–516

15. Carlson D.S., Perrewe P.L. The role of social support in the stressor-strain relationship: An examination of work-family conflict // Journal of Management, № 25(4), 1999, pp.513–540

16. Heaphy E., Dutton J.E. Positive social interactions and the human body at work: linking organizations and physiology // Academy of Management Review, № 33(1), 2008, pp 137–162

17. Goleman D. Working with Emotional Intelligence– New York: Bantam, 1998, pp.217–218

18. Lewis M. The Blind Side– New York: W.W.Norton, 2006, p.111

19. Rosengren A., Orth-Gomе́r K., Wedel H., Wilhelmsen L. Stressful life events, social support, and mortality in men born in 1933 // British Medical Journal, № 307, 1993, pp.1102–1105

20. Valliant G. Yes, I stand by my words, «Happiness equals love – full stop» // Positive Psychology News Daily, July 16, 2009. Источник:

21. Dweck C.S. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success– New York: Ballantine, 2006, p.55

22. Carmeli A., Brueller D., Dutton J.E. Learning behaviors in the workplace: The role of high-quality interpersonal relationships and psychological safety // System Research and Behavioral Science, № 26, 2009, pp.81–98

23. Holahan C.K., Sears R.R. The Gifted Group in Later Maturity– Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1995

24. Collins J. Good to Great: Why Come Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t– New York: HarperBusiness, 2001

25. Campion M.A., Papper E.M., Medsker G.J. Relations between work team characteristics and effectiveness: A replication and extension // Personal Psychology, № 49, 1996, pp.429–452

26. Heaphy E., Dutton J.E. Positive social interactions and the human body at work: Linking organizations and physiology // Academy of Management Review, № 33(1), 2008, pp 137–162

27. Dutton J.E. Energize Your Workplace: How to Create and Sustain High-Quality Connections at Work– San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003, p.2

28. Baker S. Putting a price on social connections // BusinessWeek, April 8, 2009

29. Cohen D., Prusak L. In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work– Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001, pp.95–97

30. Grant A.M., Dutton J.E., Rosso B.D. Giving commitment: Employee support programs and the prosocial sensemaking process // Academy of Management Journal, № 51, pp.898–918

31. Everson D. Baseball’s winning glue guys // The Wall Street Journal, July 16, 2009

32. Wagner N., Feldman G., Hussy T. The effect of ambulatory blood pressure of working under favourably and unfavourably perceived supervisors // Occupational Environmental Medicine, № 60, 2003, pp.468–474

33. Bradberry T. A bad boss can send you to an early grave // Philanthropy Journal, January 30, 2009. Источник:

34. Там же

35. Goleman D. Working with Emotional Intelligence– New York: Bantam, 1998, p.215

36. Buckingham M., Coffman C. First, Break All the Rules– New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999

37. Cohen D., Prusak L. In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work– Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001, pp.24–25

38. Pearson C.M., Anderson L.M., Porath C.L. Assessing and attacking workplace incivility // Organizational Dynamics,2000, pp.123–137

39. Pattison K. The social capital investment strategy // Fast Company, September 8, 2008

40. Gable S.L., Reis H.T., Impett E., Asher E.R. What do you do when thinks go right? The intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits of sharing positive events // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, № 87, 2004, pp.228–245

41. Gable S.L., Gonzaga G.C., Strachman A. Will you be there for me when things go right? Supportive responses to positive event disclosures // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, № 91, 2006, pp.904–917

42. Cohen D., Prusak L. In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work– Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001

43. В своей книге «В хорошей компании» ( In Good Company) Коэн и Прусак рассказывают о том, как лидеры могли бы инвестировать в «пространство и время для образования социальных связей». См. сс. 81–101

44. Dutton J.E. Energize Your Workplace: How to Create and Sustain High-Quality Connections at Work– San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003, p.161

45. Dutton J.E. Fostering high-quality connections // Stanford Social Innovation Review, winter 2003

46. Cohen D., Prusak L. In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work– Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001, p.22

47. Peters T. MBWA after all these years / Dispatches from the New World of Work, September 16, 2005. Источник:

48. Lyubomirsky S. The How of Happiness– New York: Penguin, 2007, pp. 97–100

49. Agloe S.B., Haidt J., Gable S.L. Beyond reciprocity: Gratitude and relationships in everyday life // Emotion, № 8, 2008, pp.425–42950. Trejos N. Recession lesson: Share and swap replaces grab and buy // Washington Post, July 17, 2009

Распространяем преимущество счастья на работе, дома и просто вокруг себя

1. Christakis N.A., Fowler J. Connected– New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009

2. Thompson C. Are your friends making you fat? // New York Times, September 10, 2009

3. Один из пионеров в области нейронауки М.Якобони не так давно выпустил книгу, в которой с блеском разъяснил сложнейшую научную основу феномена зеркальных нейронов и их роли в эмпатии: Iacoboni M. Mirroring People– New York: Picador, 2008

4. Goleman D. Social Intelligence– New York: Bantam, 2006, p.65

5. Friedman H., Riggio R. Effect of individual differences in nonverbal expressiveness on transmission of emotion // Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, № 6, 1981, pp.96–104

6. Goleman D. Social Intelligence– New York: Bantam, 2006, p.14

7. Kelly J.R., Barsade S.G. Mood and emotions in small groups and work teams // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, № 86, 2001, pp.99–130

8. Zajonc R.B., Murphy S.T., Inglehart M. Feeling and facial efference: Implications for the vascular theory of emotion // Psychological Review, № 96, 1989, pp.395–416

9. Barsade S.G. The ripple effect: Emotional contagion and its influence on group behavior // Administrative Science Quarterly, № 47, 2002, pp.644–675

10. Friedman H., Riggio R. Effect of individual differences in nonverbal expressiveness on transmission of emotion // Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, № 6, 1981, pp.96–104

11. Goleman D. Social Intelligence– New York: Bantam, 2006, pp.29–37

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